Chapter Twenty-Seven : Marriage Memories
*A few weeks back*
After I sent Rehan the
screenshots of chat with Ruhani and her picture, Rehan messaged me to call him.
I opened my Facebook app and pressed the video call option.
"I think we really need
to go there and see how she's doing." Rehan said in fierce tone.
"Yeah, I was thinking
the same. I think we should halt the marriage procedure and first go to visit
"No, let the marriage
preparations continue here. We will bring her back... I won't allow her to stay
there alone anymore there. If she wants a job then I'll give her the best
possible job in my company."
"I don't think it’s
anything about the job Rehan. It's something else."
"What it could be if not
the work pressure? Can't you see, it looks like she hasn't slept for a year.
Her face has turned pale. There are dark circles below her eyes."
"Hey wait! She just
pinged me asking for a video call tomorrow."
"Okay that's better. We
need to get her back here. I don't think she has to die there working like
donkeys even if they pay her a fortune."
It was a lazy Sunday
afternoon, Rehan was sitting by me connecting to Ruhani for a video chat. She
picked up on first call. It was dark there it, seemed like she had locked
herself in a dark room.
"Hey, how are both of
you?" She said with smile on her face
"We both are good but
what about you Ri? What you have done to yourself?" Rehan asked her with
the same fierce tone.
"Oh it’s nothing Rehan.
Just a lot of work and unable to adjust in this time zone." She just
brushed of the topic so easily.
"It's not just work Ruhani,
we know, you can share with us. Our friendship isn't so weak that it vanishes
if someone lives overseas." I said.
"Really it’s just work
pressure and lack of ability to adjust guys, nothing else. Just calm down and I
am mad at both of you idiots. Instead of telling me this personally all you
sent is the invite that too via email. Huh great way to invite friends
Rehan." She said as if nothing's wrong and she's happy to see our marriage
invite. But deep down inside I know there's a broken heart that can't be fixed.
How can I tell her that I haven't betrayed her it’s not me who broke the
I could really feel her pain
just by looking at her eyes.
"Okay guys, I need to
go. Will be messaging you both later. Don't worry for me. I'll be there at your
wedding." She said as she closed the chat window.
It seemed like Rehan was
convinced with the excuses Ruhani had given to him. But she failed to convince
me. Rehan sensed that something was amiss and pulled me into hug. I rested my
head on his chest and gripped him close into a tight hug.
"You really miss her lot
I know Teddy." He whispered into my ear.
I just nodded my head in reply and hugged back.
The preparations had been in
full force after that day. It was just a day left for the marriage now.
Everything was going as per the plan. Invites were sent out, people had begun
responding to the invites.
The closer relatives had
started to show their presence a few days back as they helped my dad with the
marriage whereabouts. Everything was going on smoothly.
Rehan and I had been on a
couple of dates after that day. We were getting closer to each other every day.
Finally life had appeared to be stabilizing and getting to happy part leaving
all the struggles and hardships behind.
Soon I was going to be called
Mrs Tanya Shah, wife of the second business tycoon Rehan Shah. Wow! That
sounded amazing even after I said it back to back number of times.
The one's I really missed
were my mom and Ruhani. Ruhani had messaged and said she got stuck up with some
urgent work and will be attending on the day of marriage itself. How could she
do this to me. Leaving me all alone between a lot of people who called
themselves my relatives but never had seen me during all my life.
Rehan wasn't allowed to see me
till we are married, to follow the so called customs. We used to talk on phones
and used to video chat when no one used to be around.
But apart from all of the fun
I missed my mom. If she would have been alive today, she would be the happiest
person on earth now. I know it was her wish to see me in the bridal wear. She
used to tell me how much she was excited just at thought of getting me
But fate had something
different for her on the platter for her and she had to leave us. If she would
have survived her battle to cancer she would've wish to see me in her bridal
wear. We used to joke back when she used to say that Shell make me wear her
wedding dress and won't buy a new one for me.
My eyes had dampened at thoughts and the feelings I can't express how much I wished for my mom to be alive and present her standing by my side.
Kindly read it at the original source at Also, do share your views in the comment section below. Thank you for your attention.
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